Youth and Children

Youth and Children

Affirm Celebration Sunday, April 21, 2024

We had lots of fun participating in the worship service and doing activities in our children's book/activity corner in the sanctuary.

Feed My Sheep!

In John 21:1-19 we heard the story about Jesus asking Peter three times, "Do you love me?" and Peter replying, "Yes, you know I love you."  Jesus then said, "Feed my sheep".  We did some fishing and listened to the story, "The Friend Who Forgives, written and read by Dan DeWitt, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri. 

Easter Sunday Joy!

First we had fun chasing bubbles and being joyful.  Then we shared the Easter sacred story through a dramatization.  Then we created an Easter tomb garden to remind us of the joyful news that Jesus is Risen!  Finally, we searched for some sweet Easter treats.

Hallowe'en party on Oct. 29th.  The children enjoyed wearing costumes and the crafting stations.

Water is a reminder of God's Love.

Pastor Teddy recently held a Teddy Bear Baptism during worship, prior to a child's baptism.  This event helped our children understand the importance and significance of baptism.

A sample of some completed crafts from Transfiguration Sunday.  The children were able to add their own personal creative ideas while working on their craft.

Our Annual Christmas Pageant was a huge success!  The children and parents thoroughly enjoyed participating in this special presentation.  A wonderful demonstration of family being together, doing something special by retelling the Christmas story.

Our December Movie Night is specifically for families.  Join us for the potluck supper starting at 5:30pm on Friday, December 2nd and then enjoy the movie, "The Muppet Christmas Carol".  Also, our Annual Christmas Pageant will be presented on Sunday, December 18th during worship.

The story of Jesus' birth is retold in a drama by the children.

On December 22, 2020, our Sunday School presented: "Once Upon A Time", written/assembled by Lynn Holland with most of the credit to the Gospel of Luke.  The children were excited to re-enact the first Christmas and celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. 
Our Sunday School children created banners which demonstrate inclusivity. The children understand just how important it is for everyone to feel they belong. Our children recognize that all people should be travelling their life journey "hand in hand" under the rainbow.
Palm Sunday is a significant day in the Christian Faith.  Loud Hosannas and the waving of Palm branches announced Jesus' arrival into Jerusalem.  We brought the story to life.
Our Children's Christmas Pageant, "Away In The Manger", written by Peggy Lockwood, was presented during worship on Sunday, December 16, 2019.  
Children are important members of our church family and are very welcome at Mark St Church. Children and youth of all ages spend the first part of the worship service together with the entire congregation, and participate in a “children’s time” with our minister or a lay leader. Older children also take active roles leading other parts of the worship service.
Children then leave for age-appropriate programs.
We believe our faith is formed not only through instruction, but through our experiences; a sense of belonging, ritual, songs and traditions all mould our identity. Accordingly, we also have a wide variety of other activities for children and youth throughout the year, from hay-rides to Christmas and Easter plays, culminating with a summer picnic. All activities are designed to meet the needs of our group. We enjoy growing in our faith with our Church friends.
Kids Garden and Stone - 2015

REGISTRATION for all Baden Powell groups takes place at various times in September.  Mark Street is a home for Girls’ groups – Sparks, Embers and Pathfinders. 

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